Oxbridge Editing Reviews

Since 2006, we’ve helped thousands of students and professionals improve their writing. But don’t just take our word for it—read the reviews from people who have experienced our services firsthand.

80 Customer Reviews

4.9 Rating
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Quick, professional service
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A big thanks to the team for a job well done
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Very efficient and professional. Timeline is excellent and affordable in term of price for the quality of work.
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Very helpful and delivered on time
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We used Oxbridge for our healthcare report at UCL. It was mainly a formatting request which can be fiddly but Ian was easy to work with. We had to make a few changes once we received the formatted report as the document was partially locked but that was on us. Consultation call over Zoom helped too. Will be using again.
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As a student, I was stressed about my thesis. Their editor not only fixed grammar but also made it more professional. Honestly speaking, I was amazed at how precise their feedback was. I received my edits way before the deadline too. Fantastic service!
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I am from Japan so english not that good yet. I seek editing for my application essay. The service was easy to use and my editor left some notes about the content. I hope it is enough for me to succeed.
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I needed help with a last-minute presentation. From my perspective, their editing added polish and made my slides clearer. What surprised me was the personal feedback I got—it felt tailored to my work. 😊 Definitely going to use this again for future projects
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Their CV editing was fantastic! Got interview calls immediately. Quick response and great attention to detail
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When I first started my website, I wasn’t confident about the content. Now that I think about it, handing it over to them was the best decision ever! Their edits made my pages more professional yet engaging. If I’m honest, I didn’t expect the results to be this good. They even pointed out some SEO-friendly tips, which helped a lot. I’ll definitely come back for future projects! 😊

Collaborate with some of the most qualified editors in the UK

How it works

How it Works Icon 1

Tell us what you need

Share the details of your project, including your deadline, and any specific requirements. This helps us understand your specific needs and expectations.
How it Works Icon 2

We find you an editor

We’ll pair you with a highly qualified editor in your field who will work to enhance the clarity, structure, and overall quality of your writing.
How it Works Icon 3

We deliver

You'll receive a professionally reviewed and edited document within the timeframe you specified at the checkout. The document will be clean, with all modifications clearly visible using the track changes feature to facilitate a smooth review process on your end.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I speak to the editor?
Of course. This is one of the upgrades we offer as part of our essay proofreading service to foster effective collaboration between you and your editor. Please notify us when placing your order if you wish to include this additional service. The call will last up to 30 minutes and you will have ample time to discuss the whole document with your editor.
How long does proofreading/editing take?
As we offer a bespoke service, we like to let our clients dictate the deadline when placing an order. However, if you would like a rough idea of how long it would take our team to review your document, we would personally advise allowing one day per 5,000 words that you would like to have proofread, and one day per 4,000 words that you would like to have stylistically edited.
How do I make payment?
The most common way of making payment is to pay online. We work with Stripe, the world's largest payment ledger so your payments are secure with us. However, we do offer other options such as bank transfer and cryptocurrency.
Will my work and my details remain confidential?
Yes. This is one of our guarantees. As a registered business, we are bound by the Data Protection Act and the recent GDPR guidelines. If you would like to go one step further, please provide us with an NDA and our director will be glad to sign this for you.

Let’s Get Started

Our expert editors are here to refine and perfect your writing, whatever your project may be. We’ll ensure that your documents are clear, polished, and leave a lasting impression.
Speak to a Consultant